How to Get More Product Demos For Your B2B Company
One of the things that intrigue me the most, especially when it comes to B2B companies, is that most of the companies manage to get good traffic to their SaaS products. However, many of these companies struggle to increase their product demo requests.
This is counterproductive to the amount of effort they are putting in to generate the traffic for their business.
There’s nothing to worry about though. It is something you can work on and get better at. I’m glad that you landed on this page to take control of the situation. You will find the right strategies to channel online traffic to perfection and increase the number of product demos for your product.
So, let’s cut to the chase and get into the content!
6 Ways to Get More Product Demos For Your B2B Company
1. Automation to Reduce Time to Demo
Think like the customer for a second - what’s the first thing you want to do when you are interested in a product? You want to see how the freaking thing works or if it works in the first place. And when do you want to do that?
You want to do it, like now! Your customers want to get their hands on the product without any delay.
This is important because if your company is in a different time zone and you have a number of demos lined up for the coming weeks, believe it or not, you will begin losing customers.
It’s an impatient world we are living in. Fortunately, we have automation tools to our rescue. Use automation to reduce your time to demo as it allows customers to watch the demo as and when they want to watch it.
Pre-recorded demos can boost your conversion rate by 114% and therefore, it is better to give the power back to the customers.
2. Optimize Your Lead Capture Forms
Generic lead capture forms are a thing of the past. Quit using them because, in spite of being convenient, they will not drive conversions for your business. Believe it or not, it might even cost you a number of leads.
So, what should you do? You have been using some of the best tools out there like Salesforce and Marketo to create lead forms, right? Well, the fundamental thing you should consider while choosing any tool is the extent of customization allowed on it.
Your ability to build and customize your lead capture forms for specific purposes will increase your form’s conversion rate by 2 to 4 percent. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this marketing machine. Lead forms are a very important part of your funnel and should be given great attention.
3. Pepper Your Call to Action
Chances are people landing on your website know what they need but don’t know exactly how they can get it. This is where Call-to-Actions come into the play. CTAs are responsible for guiding your potential customers to the product demos.
CTAs should be designed and strategically placed on your site to give a strong message. It should reflect the fact that you were waiting for them and ready to give a product demo.
Visitors always have an intention to land on a site. If their intention is to get a product demo, your CTAs will help you get the job done and boost your conversion rates. Most importantly, run A/B tests to experiment with different calls-to-action to see which ones trigger the visitors most.
4. Optimize Your Product Demo Process
There’s so much that can go wrong on the customer’s end when they are on a product-demo with you. What you need to make sure is that the problem is not at your end.
Ensuring a few things will help you create a product demo process that you can trust. Firstly, you should use the most reliable broadband connection you can find. Use the best internet devices as well.
Secondly, make it a habit to send meeting reminders via email and SMS at least an hour before the meeting. You can even consider automating this for your process.
Lastly, mention everything that the customer might need to successfully participate in the product demo. When should you do that? You must mention the details on the confirmation page. Make it noticeable.
5. Use More Information Products
If you are losing the top of the funnel leads, you must be doing something fundamentally wrong. Well, one of the things you must be doing incorrectly or might not even be doing is providing enough reasons for the demo leads to convert.
While transparency with the process is something that will definitely give you success to some extent, you just cannot undermine the effectiveness of offering whitepaper, ebooks, and other free information products.
Nurturing the leads using a drip campaign and educating them more about your products and services can bring your leads back to you when they are ready to take the demo.
6. Match Your Message
Don’t mince words online. Modern-day customers are smart and they know when exactly you are bluffing. The biggest challenge for you will be to align what you say to your potential customers on different marketing platforms, and what you tell them when they jump into your funnel and land on your website.
Track your traffic sources and figure out what your potential customers expect. This will help you optimize your content properly and position a demo request to perfection.
Final Thoughts
Getting more product demos for your SaaS company doesn’t require you to do something revolutionary. It’s just that when you focus on creating a consistent and frictionless experience on your website, you will start to see things changing significantly. We hope the above-mentioned optimization techniques helped you gain a perspective on how to get more product demos. Have questions? Feel free to contact me directly.